Hello, dear readers! Well, it's Tuesday again, and I've got a special surprise for you!:) I am really happy to introduce to you, one of my favorite Etsy shops.
{Click button to visit shop}
*Sigh* The first time I stumbled on Lingke's shop, I swooned!:) Such beautifully crafted items are treasures to come by! Browsing through her shop, is like stepping into a whimsical, magical little forest, filled with beautiful items!
~The Interview~
What a delight it was to be able to chat with the Etsy owner herself!
Me: Hello, Lingke! I am so happy to have you here in my garden on this lovely day! Do you think you could please tell us a bit about yourself?
Lingke: Thanks for having me, Grace!
I live with my family and 2 pets, Pixie the Springer Spaniel & Brownie the Hedgehog in a tiny little city - Hong Kong.
I'm in 125 circles and enjoy searching & sharing new finds with friends in my circle!
I love making treasury list, I made over 400 treasury list and still counting! It's fun to share your finds with others and grouping things under a theme!
I also love to create & capture things I like via handcraft & photography.
Me: What inspired you to start an Etsy shop and how long has it been in full operation?
Lingke: My sister-in-law introduced Etsy to me 2 years ago, since then I’ve been a regular! Browsing & buying from different crafters and it was a blast.
I always wanted to have a shop selling hand-made stuffs and Etsy is a really great platform, so after half year preparation, Doble Ele was born.
It has been operated for almost 9 months now!
Me: What special items might one discover in the lovely shop of yours?
Lingke: You will find a great variety of goodies in my shop, from push pin to cotton bag, pet scarf to earrings. I hope everyone will find something they like in my shop!
Me: The name of your shop is very unique. Do you mind telling us the concept behind it?
Sure! :)
Glad you asked about the name :)
I took a few lesson in Spanish a year ago, and I really like how "W" sounds in Spanish, "doble uve", which means double v.
It inspired me to named my store "doble ele", pronounced as [do'-blay] [ay'-lay], it means double L.... which is my initial (LL).
Me: What is your inspiration for your products?
Lingke: I get inspirations from traveling and browsing around. I always look for new materials for my creations, I’d go to the crafter supplies to see different materials, and see if I could create something new out of it. Or maybe some existing materials, try to mix and match and create a brand new collection. Like "Chloe" (www.etsy.com/listing/62576768/c-h-l-o-e) to "Les Chloe" (www.etsy.com/listing/65550470/l-e-s-c-h-l-o-e).
Me: What is perhaps, to you the most enjoyable part of being an Etsy owner and crafter?
Lingke: Hmmm… I enjoy reading feedback from my customers 'cause they made me feel flattered.
One of my customers brought a really nice pair of earrings for her girlfriend (Page 2 of my feedback,www.etsy.com/people/dobleele/feedback?page=2) , besides the wonderful feedback, he also attached a picture of her wearing my {now her:)} earrings!
And another customer purchased some lunch bags for her 3 boys, and she gave me chance to surprise her by not knowing what she’ll receive. And turn out, they all love them! There’s also a picture attached with their BIG BIG smile with the bags they pick! (Page 1 of my feedback, www.etsy.com/people/dobleele/feedback)
This is truly priceless to me!
Me: Name your best selling item{s} in your shop.
Lingke: The flower earrings had always been the best sellers since shop opening, and the custom orders of cotton bags & lunch/snack bags is getting more and more popular now! Eco-friendly reusable is a trend now!
Me: Tell us, what are a few of your favorite Etsy sellers/shops?
Lingke: I've over 250 pages of favorite shops! It took me a while to find out some of my favorites of the favorites!
- minifanfan (www.etsy.com/shop/minifanfan): love the characters and love the way the crafter applied their artwork!
- lacravatteduchien (www.etsy.com/shop/lacravatteduchien): love the colors and the characters!
- decoylab (www.etsy.com/shop/decoylab): love the non-ordinary shape of their creations!
- the old red hen (www.etsy.com/shop/TheOldRedHen): LOVE LOVE LOVE the way she took her product shots! The picture itself is an art!
- honey and jam photos (www.etsy.com/shop/honeyandjamphotos): She took STUNNING pictures! Especially pictures with food, the blueberries pancake is mouth-watering art!
Me: I know it's so hard not to heart every Etsy shop you stumble upon!:)
Do you have a goal for your Etsy this year?
Lingke: I’d like to introduce more variety into my shop and thinking about inviting some of my talented friends to join Doble Ele.
Me: Being an experienced Etsy owner, do you mind sharing a few tips to those among us who would like to start an Etsy soon?
Lingke: I think letting others know more about you and your shop is very important! Besides writing your profile, you could also share & let others know about your taste via treasury list. And sometimes it's also a wonderful way to get exposure too! Especially if the list could make it to the front page, it makes a HUGE difference!
Oh! And one more tips! Taking great pictures! Picture worth a thousand words! It’s true, as there are too many lovely items in a search result, you have to make it pop-up to your potential customers! Taking great pictures might be time consuming but definitely worth it and very rewarding too.
Lingke: Thanks for having me, Grace!
I live with my family and 2 pets, Pixie the Springer Spaniel & Brownie the Hedgehog in a tiny little city - Hong Kong.
I'm in 125 circles and enjoy searching & sharing new finds with friends in my circle!
I love making treasury list, I made over 400 treasury list and still counting! It's fun to share your finds with others and grouping things under a theme!
I also love to create & capture things I like via handcraft & photography.
Me: What inspired you to start an Etsy shop and how long has it been in full operation?
Lingke: My sister-in-law introduced Etsy to me 2 years ago, since then I’ve been a regular! Browsing & buying from different crafters and it was a blast.
I always wanted to have a shop selling hand-made stuffs and Etsy is a really great platform, so after half year preparation, Doble Ele was born.
It has been operated for almost 9 months now!
Me: What special items might one discover in the lovely shop of yours?
Lingke: You will find a great variety of goodies in my shop, from push pin to cotton bag, pet scarf to earrings. I hope everyone will find something they like in my shop!
Me: The name of your shop is very unique. Do you mind telling us the concept behind it?
Sure! :)
Glad you asked about the name :)
I took a few lesson in Spanish a year ago, and I really like how "W" sounds in Spanish, "doble uve", which means double v.
It inspired me to named my store "doble ele", pronounced as [do'-blay] [ay'-lay], it means double L.... which is my initial (LL).
Me: What is your inspiration for your products?
Lingke: I get inspirations from traveling and browsing around. I always look for new materials for my creations, I’d go to the crafter supplies to see different materials, and see if I could create something new out of it. Or maybe some existing materials, try to mix and match and create a brand new collection. Like "Chloe" (www.etsy.com/listing/62576768/c-h-l-o-e) to "Les Chloe" (www.etsy.com/listing/65550470/l-e-s-c-h-l-o-e).
Me: What is perhaps, to you the most enjoyable part of being an Etsy owner and crafter?
Lingke: Hmmm… I enjoy reading feedback from my customers 'cause they made me feel flattered.
One of my customers brought a really nice pair of earrings for her girlfriend (Page 2 of my feedback,www.etsy.com/people/dobleele/feedback?page=2) , besides the wonderful feedback, he also attached a picture of her wearing my {now her:)} earrings!
And another customer purchased some lunch bags for her 3 boys, and she gave me chance to surprise her by not knowing what she’ll receive. And turn out, they all love them! There’s also a picture attached with their BIG BIG smile with the bags they pick! (Page 1 of my feedback, www.etsy.com/people/dobleele/feedback)
This is truly priceless to me!
Me: Name your best selling item{s} in your shop.
Lingke: The flower earrings had always been the best sellers since shop opening, and the custom orders of cotton bags & lunch/snack bags is getting more and more popular now! Eco-friendly reusable is a trend now!
Me: Tell us, what are a few of your favorite Etsy sellers/shops?
Lingke: I've over 250 pages of favorite shops! It took me a while to find out some of my favorites of the favorites!
- minifanfan (www.etsy.com/shop/minifanfan): love the characters and love the way the crafter applied their artwork!
- lacravatteduchien (www.etsy.com/shop/lacravatteduchien): love the colors and the characters!
- decoylab (www.etsy.com/shop/decoylab): love the non-ordinary shape of their creations!
- the old red hen (www.etsy.com/shop/TheOldRedHen): LOVE LOVE LOVE the way she took her product shots! The picture itself is an art!
- honey and jam photos (www.etsy.com/shop/honeyandjamphotos): She took STUNNING pictures! Especially pictures with food, the blueberries pancake is mouth-watering art!
Me: I know it's so hard not to heart every Etsy shop you stumble upon!:)
Do you have a goal for your Etsy this year?
Lingke: I’d like to introduce more variety into my shop and thinking about inviting some of my talented friends to join Doble Ele.
Me: Being an experienced Etsy owner, do you mind sharing a few tips to those among us who would like to start an Etsy soon?
Lingke: I think letting others know more about you and your shop is very important! Besides writing your profile, you could also share & let others know about your taste via treasury list. And sometimes it's also a wonderful way to get exposure too! Especially if the list could make it to the front page, it makes a HUGE difference!
Oh! And one more tips! Taking great pictures! Picture worth a thousand words! It’s true, as there are too many lovely items in a search result, you have to make it pop-up to your potential customers! Taking great pictures might be time consuming but definitely worth it and very rewarding too.
I agree! I have seen a few Etsy shops, where the products are beautiful, but so hard to see the true potential through a blurry picture.
Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you! I had a delightful time becoming more acquainted with you!
~A Peek into the Shop~
Doble Ele is filled with:
Cute necklaces...
Beautiful Bobbies...
And gorgeous hair candy!:)
Too cute, right?
I LOVE LOVE her 'Dancing in the Spring' collection!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beautiful earrings...
{The names of her items are so pretty! They range from whimiscally foretsy:) to Italian!}
Ahhhh!!! I <3 Paris!!!:)
{She does beautiful photography!:)}
She also sells....
Pet scarves!
And the cutest {not to mention eco-friendly;)} snack packs.
I love this!
AND, last but certainly not least, she sells the most beautiful, the most gorgeous rings you have EVER seen!:)
These {along with the 'Dancing in the Spring' bobbies} are my ABSOLUTE favorite items in her shop.
You certainly do not run out of options.
And all of your purchases will come in your re-usable, muslin snack bag:
I could seriously post a hundred different items {if I have not already;)} from her shop that I could call my favorite, yet you will have to go linger through her shop yourself!
~The Giveaway~
Lingke, such a sweet person, has generously offered this lovely set of rings for one of you blessed ladies out there!
*Squeal* Too cute {and elegant}, no?
Special, SPECIAL heart-felt thanks to Lingke, from her beautiful shop, for generously contributing this prize and sponsoring this blog.
~How to Enter~
~Mandatory Entry {counting as 1 entry}~
{Failing to complete mandatory entry will not permit you to earn extra entries}
Follow this blog {only if you want to, not just for the giveaway;)}
Visit Shop Doble Ele {such an elegant name}, coming back here to tell me what your favorite item is.
~For Extra Entries~
Note: Leave separate comments per entry you complete. I use random.org to draw giveaway winners; therefore, if you do not leave separate comments per entry you complete, extra entries will not count.
After completing the mandatory entry you may earn extra entries to:
1. Heart Doble Ele ~2 entries {leave two comments}
2. Heart your favorite item{s} from her shop, and let me know!~1 entry
3. Add Lingke to your Etsy circle ~2 entries {leave two comments}
4. Like Lingke's facebook page ~1 entry
5. Put my personal blog button on your blog's sidebar, or "Good Reads" {does not count in giveaway post}. If you do not do blog buttons, links also count, as they do all my giveaways. ~1 entry
6. Follow my photography blog {if you want to} ~2 entries {leave two comments}

7. Let me know what your favorite Etsy shop is, and give me the link
Tell me what giveaway item{s} you would like to see~1 entry
Tell me what giveaway item{s} you would like to see~1 entry
8. Blog about this giveaway, and leave me a link~2 entries {leave two comments}
9. Purchase something from Doble Ele, and of course tell me what it is!~25 entries
{leave twenty-five comments;)}
~For girls who do not keep a blog only~
All you need is a way for me to contact you!
1. Complete the mandatory entry, leave a comment.
2. Email three friends about this giveaway ~3 entries {Leave one comment per person you email}
3. Let me know what you would like to see here on my blog, and/or if you are a usual reader;)~2 entries {leave two comments}
More info:
Giveaway only open to US young ladies.
This giveaway starts now, and ends Tuesday, March 15th at 12:00N Pacific Timing {precisely a week running time}. Late entries shall not be accepted past noon.
Winner shall have 48 hr. to claim their prize after winner announcement.
I wanted to make this CLEAR: Anonymous users who do not leave their name in their comment {nor link to a blog or contact info} will not be published. Also, people who are not publicly following my blog{s} without commenting or contacting me, will not be entered.
I know that you are all eager to enter, so you may....BEGIN!
{leave twenty-five comments;)}
~For girls who do not keep a blog only~
All you need is a way for me to contact you!
1. Complete the mandatory entry, leave a comment.
2. Email three friends about this giveaway ~3 entries {Leave one comment per person you email}
3. Let me know what you would like to see here on my blog, and/or if you are a usual reader;)~2 entries {leave two comments}
More info:
Giveaway only open to US young ladies.
This giveaway starts now, and ends Tuesday, March 15th at 12:00N Pacific Timing {precisely a week running time}. Late entries shall not be accepted past noon.
Winner shall have 48 hr. to claim their prize after winner announcement.
I wanted to make this CLEAR: Anonymous users who do not leave their name in their comment {nor link to a blog or contact info} will not be published. Also, people who are not publicly following my blog{s} without commenting or contacting me, will not be entered.
I know that you are all eager to enter, so you may....BEGIN!
I already follow you. :) This is my favorite thing: http://www.etsy.com/listing/56070128/bird-nest-ring
I already have Doble Ele hearted. #1
ReplyDeleteI already have Doble Ele hearted. #2
ReplyDeleteOoooOooh!! Oh, Grace, what a lovely shop!!
ReplyDelete*faints at the rings* :)
..So, I am, of course, a HEARTFELT follower, and this is my favorite item from her shop:
Hearted the shop!
Hearted the shop!!
I follow you.
ReplyDeleteThe photography is extremely clear and vibrant!
I love the Spring Trio bobby pins.
I hearted Doble El #1
ReplyDeleteI hearted her shop #2
ReplyDeleteI added her to my etsy circle #1
ReplyDeleteI added her to my etsy circle
ReplyDeleteI would love to see pendants & rings!
ReplyDeleteI hearted my fav. item:
Added her to my Etsy circle!
Added her to my circle!
Your blog link is on my sidebar!
Following your photo blog! :)
Liked it on FB!
ReplyDeleteFollowing your photo blog!
Following your photo blog!
followed your photography blog #1
ReplyDeleteyour photography is very aesthetically pleasing! So clear!
followed ur photography blog
ReplyDeleteliked her on fb
ReplyDeleteposted ur link on my blog giveaway page.
An item I would like to see for a future giveaway?? Perhaps some cute feminine purses, or clutches? :)
I am with you, I love those bird nest rings, oh how adorable! I have chickens that lay eggs and this ring reminds me of that!! I am a follower! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI *hearted* my favorite item: the bird nest ring!
ReplyDeleteI really like your site and I think it is fine as is! I cant wait for the spring party ( i think that is what it is called?)
ReplyDeleteI love the name of your blog! This is my second entry :)
ReplyDeleteHi Grace,
I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you. I, too, ordered something around the same time you won the giveaway and I haven't received it yet either. I do know that she had to order the Parisian charms and they were backordered so that's partially why it's taken this long. She's also been really sick. I contacted her again but haven't heard back from her. If you'd like to try yourself, you can contact her through www.etsy.com/shop/missypumpkin. But, believe me, I will get to the bottom of it. ;)
I follow your blog.
ReplyDeleteDear me, there are so many lovely things to pick as a favorite. I love the Keep Calm and Write On - Eco Friendly Drawstring bag, but .... there is also the gorgeous Snowflake earrings!
~ Hanne-col
I emailed a friend.
ReplyDelete~ Hanne-col
I emailed a second person.
ReplyDelete~ Hanne-col
I emailed a third person.
I follow you!!:) And, I don't know what my favorite item is, but I liked the P E A C E earrings, and the animal paper-clips.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting this!
I follow your photography blog! Does that count because I already follow?
I follow your photography blog number two!:) I hope that this counts:) if it doesn't, then please just delete these comments:)
I hearted this item!
these r sooo cute!!!
Oooh! Enter me please, Grace! :)
ReplyDeleteI hearted her shop. :)
ReplyDeleteI hearted her shop.
ReplyDeleteI already hearted my favorite item from her shop! :) http://www.etsy.com/listing/56070128/bird-nest-ring
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item is the joy necklace.
I am a follower as well
ReplyDeleteI hearted the shop!
ReplyDeleteI hearted the shop (#2)
ReplyDeleteI added the shop to my etsy circle!
ReplyDeleteI added the shop to my etsy circle! (#2)
ReplyDeleteI added her to my circle!
ReplyDeleteI added her to my circle!
ReplyDeleteI like the FB page.
ReplyDeleteYour blog button is on my sidebar.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see you giveaway some books! =D
ReplyDeleteI posted about it:: http://ismikendra.blogspot.com/2011/03/i-could-read.html
ReplyDeleteI posted about it:: http://ismikendra.blogspot.com/2011/03/i-could-read.html
ReplyDeleteI am following your blog!:P
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is going to be this:
Hearted her shop!
ReplyDeleteAdd it to my favorites!
ReplyDeleteAdd to my circle.
ReplyDeleteI have your button on my blog roll.
ReplyDeleteLiked her on fb.
ReplyDeleteFollowing your photo blog!
ReplyDeleteFollowing your photo blog!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite shop is this!!!!!!Its so cute!
Posted about it here:http://giveawaysgalore4girls.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-at-grace-garden-walk.html
ReplyDeletePosted about it here:http://giveawaysgalore4girls.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-at-grace-garden-walk.html
ReplyDeleteI follow this blog!
ReplyDeleteI can't choose a favorite item! I LOVE all the rings!
ReplyDeleteI hearted the shop!
ReplyDeleteI hearted the shop!
ReplyDeleteI added linkge to my etsy circle!
ReplyDeleteI added linkge to my etsy circle!
ReplyDeleteI liked linkge's facebook page!
ReplyDeleteI put yuour button on my sidebar!
Ifollow you photography blog!
ReplyDeletei follow you photography blog!
ReplyDeleteI would like to see necklace items in giveaways!
ReplyDeleteI blogged about it!
I blogged about it!
I follow your blog
ReplyDeletemy favorite item from her shop are the Dancing in the spring collections