Dec 1, 2011

new month. new look. hullo december!

quietly. silently. a realm, chilled and icy, unfolds outside my frost-bitten pane of glass. the world turns into a dull gray and white, stark contrast compared to the brilliance of autumn's colors. the trees begin to don ermine collars of crystal to cover their bareness, as skies fill with flocks of geese. softly. silently. it creeps. gently. bleakly. the air begins to chill. the sky bends low with clouds tinted silver. thus winter makes His descent upon this little glen shielded between three knolls, wooded with barren oaks and gold-leafed pomegranates bedecked with red jewels left behind. 
winter. i breath. a shiver crawls up my spine. welcome. i sigh. a tinge of dread accents my voice, but all the same I welcome the callous season who's chill manages to creep into every little nook. for on the wind chilled with frost and snow {if we're blessed}, rides a season which i am always fond. 


winter. my goodness how november has passed! {between you and me, I am quite relieved, as now I can sing throughout the house at the top [perhaps, not the top] of my lungs my favorite christmas melodies as I pack my brown-paper parcels into the mailbox with a clear conscience}.

mist-filled mornings. silvery skies. frosted blades of grass. woodland dreams. snow-filled forests. icy panes of glass. holly leaves and wreaths made of pine. 

>> how I have longed for the season to which I may fetch my gold-trimmed teacups from the high shelf and fill them with silky hot chocolate brimming with puffy marshmallows, all the while warming rudolf red noses from the cold.

>> how I have longed for the season to which I may fetch {or purchase} a pair of fuzzy warm socks, while hanging ornaments upon the traditional pine. 

>> how I have longed for the season to which I may don my woolen mittens and scarves. 

>> new look. how do you like it? some people aren't liking it so much, but I'm loving it, and it took a LOT of work to adjust the HTML. 

the keeper of the garden.

postscript :: special thanks to Bethany for the basics of blog template. {copied from my crafting blog


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! Please please tell me how you got snow on your blog! Write me here: (Love your new look BTW)

  2. I love your new look! The snow is pretty amazing. :) The photo in your header is simply lovely, and I was happy to see your face again in the sidebar.
    See, this is the season where I can sing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs, as opposed to singing them with no one else around before Thanksgiving. :)

  3. Love your new clean and fresh. ;)

  4. Nice post! Makes me so excited for winter.
    And I like the new design. It looks very clean and light and the header is pretty!
