Good evening, Fair Readers!!! Hope all of you have had some wonderful past few days!
Well, to-day was a rather enjoyable day while my parents took some very good friends and me to the tidepools. We had a very nice time investigating the tidepools, and all the the intriguing little creatures that the Lord made! (Pictures are posted later in the post:)
I am going to attempt (I might not quite succeed, but you never know unless you try*wink*:) to make this cute envelope purse for a gift using the instructions in the book which I taught myself how to crochet out of:
Klutz kits are AWESOME, but I do not recommend that you purchase
this book for you do have to improv. on some of the "patterns." Remember the soap bag that I wrote about in a few posts ago? It took me about a year to figure it out from the instructions in this book; and in fact, I had to set my crocheting (and all the dreams of crocheting wonderful things:) aside for about a year and finally took it up again until not that long ago.

Well, as I was saying before, I am going to attempt to make that cute envelope purse, and hope, just hope, that I will be able to make it!!!:) I am planning on making it with the darker purple yarn above with the light lavender yarn for the trim. (Dark purple yarn recently purchased from Michael's and lavender yarn left-over from other project:)
I am also planning on replenishing my stock on cards (I keep cards in a box, so I have hand-made birthday, thank-you, or just greeting cards at my easy disposal for those emergency times*wink*). My aunt gave me a gift-card (Thank you, Aunt Cindy and Family:) for Michael's for my graduation out of 8th grade and into high school, and I have been enjoying buying different yarns and scrapbook paper. I thought you might enjoy some pictures of this Indian inspired paper: 
I absolutely L.O.V.E. K&Company!!! They manufacture a great line of different scrapbooking paper and stickers!!! Here are a few of my favourite double-sided paper:
Blue back-ground and writing with flowers and butterfly!!! (See in the background the scissors? Those are my trusty all-purpose sewing, craft, titanium scissors that I received as a Christmas present from my dad in my stocking. At first, I was quite perplexed at the present {I mean come on, scissors in my stocking?}, but they have proved to be quite practical in my sewing basket and card-making bag! And every time I use them they remind me of what wonderful dad God has blessed me with! Just a little side-story there:)
A gold fish...

Oooo, I really like that one with the sand bird!
Okay, now onto the part about the tidepools. Look what beautiful treasures I unearthed!!!
Shells!!! (Not that I have enough:)
And this is a sort of tank I made out of an abalone filled with smooth sea glass, rocks, and many shells I have collected over the years:
While I was sorting out all of my shells, I peeked into a spiral shell and...surprise, surprise!!! The shell was occupied with an unexpected guest....Mr. Hermit Crab!!! Here are a few videos I made of hime that I though you might enjoy (You will need to pause the music player at the bottom of the page:):
Sorry that they are a little bit blurry. My camera does not take the best, up-close videos!
*Yawn* I have to go to bed now, but I hope you enjoyed the post!!!
Hope you are having a lovely evening, dearest readers!
Love always,