Jan 3, 2012

for those blue days and other musings.

dear readers,

>> a tint of blueness. the world is dreary, dark, and grey. like my rambling january thoughts. although the weather fair, how nice i thought it might be nice to blend a smoothie for a pop of color...





blueberries + banana, a hint of vanilla, and orange juice = 
bluebana smoothie. 
{for those blue days} 


and so life goes on. christmas is now but a distant memory, and a clock ticks monotonously, almost melancholy. the beat of "normal" life is slowly sinking in, and I cannot help but feel slightly depressed. my studies have begun again, and my large amount of spare time has been cut back dramatically, even if inspiration freely did flow to me. so rambling thoughts have found their way to my little owl journal, and as inspiration avoids me, I just stare at my laptop with no idea of what to post.

what do you do on a "blue" day?
// listening to //

the keeper of the garden.

postscript :: i want to extend the warmest welcome to my newest followers, and also thank all the lovely people who have been leaving the nicest notes of cheer. 'tis refreshing to have comments from new visitors and old. 
side note :: a very special event is coming to this little garden of mine in celebration of my second blogging anniversary, once february graces the calendar. ;)


  1. What lovely pictures! They make me hungry. :)

  2. Mmmm how utterly delightful! <3

  3. Mmmmmm... you have told me about your {{lovely}} blueberry smoothies SO many times! I totally need to try one out, now that I have seen pictures. *hee-hee*

    Love you,

  4. Those pictures are ravishing my dear! Usually on my "blue" days, I curl up in bed and write. It's *so* therapeutic for me! Anything from letters, my little novel, our weekly newspaper, a journal entry...

    But I can really relate to then stopping of inspiration. There are times I don't feel the least bit of an urge to do anything- even if I did have the time! But yesterday, I somehow got this crazy idea into my head and of course, it turned out to be just the thing as now I've had a bit more of lightheartedness.

    Do hope you feel better soon my dear goosey girl!

    Love you,

  5. I love smoothies! My favorite is strawberry :)

    When I have 'blue' days I love to curl up with a knitting project and work away while watching a movie or listening to a good story. Something nice to drink is always a must to!

  6. Today was a blue day for me, as well. I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

  7. thank you, ladies, for your kind comments! you cheered me up. :)

    love always,
    the keeper of the garden.

  8. I love the first photo. The blueberries look so beautiful!

  9. The smoothie sounds delicious! Hmmm...it's been a while since I had a smoothie...I might just have to have one soon.

    On those blue days, I love to curl up and read a book, or perhaps lay on my bed and journal with soft music in the background, or write down ideas for future books...


  10. I love all of the frost accumulated on those blueberries- it really completes the photo. I actually was listening Ingrid Michaelson at the moment that I read this post. I apologize if I do not often comment on your garden, but rest assured that I read every single lovely post.


  11. Grace, my dear, I know how you feel. This has been a blue WEEK for me. I have been sick and hardly been able to eat or sleep at all. I'm soooo exhausted! Pray for me! I'll be praying for you:)!


    P.S. Sorry I have not been visiting or commenting on your blog as much here lately. I will try to more when I start feeling better.
