Jul 16, 2011

one hundred things {my bucket list}

I've been pondering about life lately, and have looked deep inside myself, thinking :: what type of person am I? 

And I can honestly tell you that I am...

a dreamer. 

So here's one hundred things {in random order} I wish to {or could} accomplish in this lifetime before I step into heaven ::

- travel all over Europe.
- sew a Regency dress.
- host a sweet sixteen birthday party.
- start a 365 project of photography. 
- continue to play the violin for at least until I have reached the 10 yr. milestone. 
- meet all my closest blogging friends and penpals.
- eat gelato in Italy. *
- learn how to knit like a professional. 
- learn Italian. 
- learn French.
- open an Etsy shop.
- start a scrapbook.
- gain 1,000 followers on this blog. 
- purchase photoshop. 
- learn how to crochet professionally. 
- become a seamstress.
- marry my prince charming.*
- have children.
- renovate an entire house. 
- start a HUGE garden. 
- travel to Hawaii again. 
- be on a Food Network or HGTV. 
- be featured in a magazine. 
- meet the Duggar family. 
- travel to Paris. 
- pick wild lavender in Provence. 
- write and publish a book.*
- swim {actually swim} with dolphins. 
- go to a beach with clear, warm water. 
- collect exotic shells. 
- go horseback riding in a tropical, exotic place. 
- win {first place} in a photography contest on blogger. 
- learn ballet.* 
- meet a famous person. 
- be the professional photographer at a wedding.
- photograph a wedding. * 
- buy a traditional Indian dress. 
- dance in the rain. * 
- sew a purse!
- grow a lavender field. 
- learn how to make lavender wands and baskets.
- own ducklings and chickens. 
- become a professional herbal healer. 
- meet my A Beka teachers. 
- play a round of Trivia Pursuit with Mr. McBride. 
- read Jane Austen's seven complete  novels. 
- take a picture of the Hall of Mirrors {at the palace of Versailles}. 
- speak {or write} a complete conversation with my French penpal. 
- meet the cast of Psych. 
- write to one of my favorite authors. 
- get a respond back. 
- host a handmade/homemade party. 
- have a random {nice:)} person stop me saying they recognized me from my blog. 
- attend a masquerade. 
- dance with a male partner.
- learn Emma's ship's cook. 
- host an apron swap here. 
- become a professional photographer. 
- create a whole meal out of fresh things you have found in nature {garden included}. 
- become a lifeguard. 
- learn how to surf. 
- swim in the rainbow river. 
- climb Half Dome. 
- shower under a waterfall. 
- travel to Japan. 
- fly on a plane by myself.  
- write letters to soldiers during Christmastime. 
- send relief packages to China. 
- climb a huge cherry tree and sit and pick and eat yummy cherries all afternoon. 
- go to Disneyworld. 
- be featured in a parade. 
- travel to Avonlea. 
- have a "famous" blogger {from this corner of the blogosphere} follow one of my blogs. ;) 
- learn how to use Gimp. {if someone is willing to give me lessons, I would be much appreciative}. 
- become a professional computer website graphics designer. 
- find a bunch of neat antiques in an old attic. 
- find a bundle of letters in an old hope chest. 
- solve a real-life mystery case. 
- be on Cupcake wars.
- post a Youtube video made by me and get 1,000 likes. 
- feed a chipmunk by hand. 
- nurse a baby creature to health. 
- write love letters to my prince. 
- find and buy a real, genuine cameo brooch. 
- attend public school for a day. 
- preform in a professional play. 
- teach violin lessons. 
- film craft tutorials. 
- start vlogging. 
- cook an elaborate dinner. 
- say something in a perfect British {or Canadian} accent. ;)
- read or purchase Culpeper's original herbal.  
- shout out a quote that I really love word perfect. {When friend's are listening. ;)}  
- own a Canon camera as well. *
- re-do my whole room. 
- start an inspiration board on my wall. 
- fill my hope chest. 
- frolic through an orchard of cherry blossoms in a frilly lacy dress.  
- write memoirs of my life when I am old. 
- plan a beautiful wedding. 

{Note :: some of these I had ideas from others so proper credit is given by this *}

Another thing to add to my bucket list of things I got well,  from a bucket! - Nancy Drew
 The Captive Curse {PC game}

P.S. Be sure to enter my giveaway!


  1. Lovely Ms. Grace!
    But surely you love your family already? ;-)

  2. I do but I couldn't think of a FINAL thing to add. ;)

  3. Dear Grace,

    I like your list very much! Although, there is one I would disagree with! Coming from my public school PASO ROBLES experience, I would say you would not like to go to public school, even for a day!!! I like homeschool much better!!!

  4. play a round of trivial pursuit with Mr. McBride?

    ...As in, the 8th grade History teacher for PCA?Cause if that's who you mean, I had him too! He was a good teacher, although my favorite was Mr. Duby. ;) What'd you think of them?

  5. Hi, Alisah!

    That's the one. He was always talking about Trivia Pursuit, and if I ever met him in real life I told myself I would challenge him to a game of it. ;)

    My favorite as well, will always be Mr. Duby, though. He was an AWESOME teacher, and I think I have him this year...or the next. :)


  6. Hi Grace,

    I enjoyed reading that list. Some of the things you wrote sounded fun to do.

    When is your birthday? How old will you be turning (if you don't mind me asking)?

    I enjoy reading your blog. I really want to get to know you and someday meet you!

    Carissa Rose
