Welcome to my very first Monthly Blog Interview post!!!! So, since this is my very first month interviewing girls, I have decided that I will be interviewing my dear friends' blogs all week!!!! I know a lot of you want to be interviewed, so just leave your name, blog, and blog link at the page at the top of the screen titled, "Monthly Blog Interviews."
Okay, on with the interview! (Feel free to post this on your blog to spread the news! The more the merrier!:)

My very first person whom I have interviewed is a dear friend named Liz Darcy. I do not really know how we met through the blogging world, but I do know that I am very glad that we did. Lizzy has a lovely blog; visiting her is like stepping into a different century and you find yourself surrounded by Jane Austen's famous Regency era characters!
~~~~~~THE INTERVIEW~~~~~~
Grace: What inspired you to start a blog and how long have you been blogging?
Miss Lizzy: Well, believe it or not, I had seen Lindsay at Content in Christ's blog and loved it. On one of her posts, she had talked about her friend Taylor at Proverbs 31 in Training having a giveaway. One of the requirements was to follow her blog, and...well...I didn't have a blog. My friend Elle helped me get started and we began blogging on Isaiah 40:31. A few months later, she suggested we start our own blogs, and that's when I began Liz Darcy.I'm not for sure how I've been blogging, but I know that I started around March or April of this year. I've really enjoyed it, and I've made a lot of wonderful Christian friends, including you of course:).
Grace: What is one word that describes your personality?
Miss Lizzy: Musical. "I can't stop singing wherever I am," as Maria from The Sound of Music says.
Grace: What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Miss Lizzy: Well, I'm a sixteen-year-old Christian girl who is trying to live a life pleasing to God.I do not always succeed, but I do try. I love reading and writing. I'm a big Jane Austen fan and I love the regency period. I'm also a "friend of Narnia" so to speak. I love to sew, though I've not done too much of it lately. I DO NOT have a favorite color. I'm between pink and blue. I also love to design bookmarks.
Grace: What will readers most likely find at your blog?
Miss Lizzy: I do different kinds of posts from time to time. I'm working on some Narnia collages that I hope to post soon.I create quizzes on proprof.com, and I usually post about them when I create new ones. Um,sometimes I'll show some things I've been working on, mostly sewing projects. I hope to post some tutorials in the future.
Grace: Give us an insight to your walk with God.
Miss Lizzy: Well, I'm in the process of trying to get closer to God. I've realized that some of my attitudes and actions are not very pleasing to God, and I'm trying to change them (so keep me in your prayers). I'm also trying to work on reading my Bible more.
Thank you so much, Miss Liz Darcy! I had such an enjoyable time interviewing you, and look forward to your future posts.
So go and visit my good friend, Miss Eliza Darcy at her charming blog Liz Darcy and stop by for a refreshing glass of iced tea (her favourite) in a lovely English garden. (Don't forget to tell her I sent you;)

Also, special thanks to my dear friend, Bess from "Bess's Bag," for introducing the interviewing idea to me. When I was a beginner blogger, I was interviewed by her, and I am still grateful for such a good friend!:)
With Much Love from your faithful blogger,

Oh, ok I see! I thought I was going to be the first interview....hmmm! Oh well, can I be the next person you interview??? PLEASE???? *wink*
ReplyDeleteLet me know!
I enjoyed reading Lizzy's answers, for I too have made friends with her, and think she is a wonderful young ladies too!
Nice interview!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have had the pleasure of meeting Liz Darcy and LOVE her blog. Her interview was very encouraging and uplifting. So glad you decided to do this!!! :)
Love ya! (PS, has my letter arrived yet??)
What a sweet interview! I really enjoyed reading it! I look forward to future interviews! :)
ReplyDeleteYour Sister In Christ,
Nice interview! I haven't had the pleasure of visiting Liz Darcy's blog yet. I will have to check it out! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Georgiana,
ReplyDeleteThanks for interviewing me!I think you did great, and I can't wait to read your other interviews!
Lots of love from your sister in Christ,
~Lizzy Darcy~