Dearest Readers,
I am so sorry I did not post this sooner. My little niece has been occupying my time over this weekend, and I am planning that surprise I was telling you about!:)
Today's interview is with one of my very special friends, whom has been one of my first followers. She is a very sweet, kind, tender-hearted young lady with a whole heart for the Lord. She has definitely been an amazing and encouraging sister in Christ whom I am very thankful for!

(Click the picture to go to her blog:)
Bess is a very kind girl sharing the love of the Lord and has a heart like that of a sweet sister. Bess was one of my first followers, and she interviewed me at her blog (where I obtained this idea).
~~~~~~The Interview~~~~~~
Bess: I was inspired to start Bess’ Bag for many reasons, but - on the whole - the main reason was to provide a safe place for girls to be encouraged in their walks with their heavenly Daddy. I started the blog about 9 months after graduating from college, so I’m a big sis to most of my teenage readers, & I love that I can share my experiences with them…cause, more likely than not, as girls we’ve shared many of the same feelings, hopes, & troubles. Bess’ Bag’s been up & running since February 15, 2010. (Yes, the day after Valentine’s!)
Grace: What has been the best part about blogging?
Bess: I have a heart for writing – so I love the fact that I can pen something, put it up on the blog, & have people from all over this wide world read it! That’s amazing to me…& even more amazing is when girls leave notes saying how they’ve been encouraged by what they’ve read at Bess’ Bag! That’s the most incredible! As you can see, I love comments, too!
Grace: What will readers most likely find at your blog?
Bess: Readers can expect to find modest fashion advice, crafty tutorials, purity talks, Christian encouragement, & more at Bess’ Bag. In addition, every month there is a new Girl Talk Poll to vote on, a memory verse to memorize with me, new tunes, so turn up your speakers + new Songs of the Moment. The Prayer Line was also recently added to the sidebar, so girls can feel free to turn in their requests – I encourage my readers who feel led to do so to help pray for those on the Prayer Line with me. Perhaps the newest addition is Bess’ Bag: The Boutique, a place to shop for items especially chosen for my readers (by me=). Each purchase is through & helps support the blog!
Grace: Give us a little insight on your life.
Bess: Well, I’m a Christian 20-something girl with a college degree, who’s sort of searching for her place in the world at the moment. I truly want to walk God’s path wherever it leads, but it seems hard to find His trail sometimes. I’m one of those who came out of college with much excitement, ready for my new life to begin…& it just didn’t go as planned. This year I was able to land a temporary position in the area I went to school for. I was so thankful to God for this chance. But after a couple weeks more changes came when the budget wasn’t what was expected, & I was cut from that job to a part-time one. It feels as if I had my foot in the door, only to have it slammed on. I’m still trusting God, though some days it isn’t easy, but He’s in control & loves me & has some plan in mind (I just wish I could see it right now). I’m also a single girl who finds completion in Christ. I’m waiting patiently to see whether my story involves a dashing prince. I hope it does. God’s will be done.
Grace: One word that would describe your personality?
Bess: Winsome (I’m striving for it at least!)
Grace: Tell us a little about your walk with Christ
Bess: I grew up in a loving Christian home with godly parents (such a HUGE blessing that I don’t take for granted), but I didn’t accept Christ until I was 16. I knew I needed to accept Him to have freedom & the hope of everlasting life, but I wasn’t willing to give up control or take those steps up the center aisle at church. Finally, I saw clearly that I needed Christ in my life & I was baptized that very night. This walk with the King of Kings isn’t always easy, but this I do know for sure: walking this earthly soil without Him would be worse. He’s what gets me through it all.
So go visit BESS'S BAG for her blog is always full of fashion, fun, crafts, and so much more! Who knows what you will find in her bag!:)
To Bess, you have been an immense blessing in my life. I hope that the Lord blesses you immensely. Continue to shine your light for Him, dearest friend!
Many Blessings to you All,
Thank you so so much for the lovely interview! You are a wonderful, beautiful, amazing daughter of the King...don't forget it! I know He has amazing plans in store for you Grace.
ReplyDeleteLots of Love From Your Sis,
P.S.: *wink* =)
Dear Grace, I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed your interviews so much! Thanks for doing this!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
Love from your friend,
What a sweet interview! I loved reading it and learning more about Bess.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Hi there Grace,
ReplyDeleteI just had a question!!!
I love reading your interviews and I was wondering if you already knew who was going to be interviewed next month?
Have a great day!
Hi, Grace! I got my cozy in the mail today (you have very beautiful handwriting, by the way :). Thank you for sending mine along, too! And thanks for noticing the mistake...I noticed that the fabric was wrong, but didn't know that ours had been accidentally switched! I didn't even see that it was your name on the note instead of of mine. :) Thanks again!