Aug 6, 2011

my little obsession called pinterest

Okay, now I must admit that I can become easily obsessed with something, I mean, I am very much in love with old-fashion things, macarons, tea cups, handkerchieves, Psych, cupcakes, whimsy, and blogging {stop me now before I fill up a whole page}. Of course, everyone is obsessed with something at one time or another, right? {please say yes, so I don't feel out of place. :P}

Well, I suppose I must confess that my little obsession as of late is called ::


After stumbling upon this wonderful website, I immediately submitted my e-mail, and awaited a request. Alas, the next day it came, but I couldn't sign into my account. Finally, after much consideration {and a little persuasion by my mom :)} we created a facebook account, and now I had been granted access to Pinterest.

I started pinning yesterday, and now I have made over 450 pins. Obsessed? Yeah, that's an understatement.

So what exactly is Pinterest you might ask? Just the most amazing thing ever invented online {with the exception of Blogger :)}. There are so many amazing things on there and perfect for inspiration. Believe me, once you start pinning you will not be able to stop yourself!:) This search engine is perfect for bloggers who need to easily locate beautiful pictures for their posts!

And this is just a snippet of all the lovely things you will find on Pinterest.

If you haven't checked out Pinterest yet, I suggest you do so now!

Hope everyone is having a blessed summer evening.
Postscript :: you can now find me on facebook {like or friend me!} and pinterest


  1. ha ha, don't worry, I often get overly obsessed with things too!!! ;)

    I've been hearing about pinterest. Will definitely look into it more!

    I love the photo of the lavender, btw. It's on my bucket list to pick my own bouquet of lavender someday. <3

  2. @ Anna ::

    You haven't picked lavender??? Oh, my dear! Next time you make a trip to CA in the summer, let me know, and we shall go out and pick ourselves bundles of lavender!:)

  3. Oh, Grace, I'm in <3 with the 3rd and 4th photos! *winks*

    Have a beautiful weekend...

  4. Oh, I just discovered Pinterest and LOVE it!
    I find myself going there ever time I need a blog picture. =)

  5. @ Moriah :: That's the beauty of Pinterest! :)

    @ Samantha :: Do you have an account? I would love to "follow" you! :)

  6. Yes. I think we all are obsessed with something at one point or another. :)

  7. i love pinterest!!! its addicting

  8. Oh my goodness gracious! I love it! So... you must have either a yahoo or facebook account? *sniff* Oh well. Maybe one day... I absolutely am in love with your pictures Grace- you have a lovely and very unique/old fashiondy sort of taste.


  9. Oooh, I love the lavender picture. <33 It would be nice if you put your header on the sidebar. It seems popular right now, and I like it. I just redesigned mine go and take a peek. :)

  10. Oh yes, and do you mind entering my giveaway? I haven't had hardly anyone enter, which is quite strange, but I think you'd like the of them is something from WhimsyPics. *winks*
