good afternoon, ladies! 'tis a positively delightful to have you gathered here in my garden on this lovely spring day. to-day, I should like to become more acquainted with my dearest guests, who shall be attending this little party I have prepared in my garden. do settle down for a nice cup o' tea whilst we enjoy this lovely afternoon...
to help become more acquainted with each other, we are going to play a little "game" as one might call it, whilst we sit upon a quilt looking upon the beautiful verdure with tea cup in hand. simply answer the questions below and post them in your own garden, linking back to mine. ready?
{one} let us start by your telling a little bit about your own self. tell us a bit of your personality. perhaps, tell a bit of your interests and pastime.
{two} what literary character {whether it be in a film or book} would you say, most describes your personality and mannerisms?
{three} what would you describe as the most lovely place to live in 1700's England? a cottage surrounded by woods or a mansion perhaps, to the same resemblance as Pemberley in Miss Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
{disclaimer not my photograph}
{four} list some of your favorite and least favorite literary works you have read.
{five} what would you describe as a most admirable heroine?
{six} if you could spend afternoon tea in the company of your favorite literary heroine, to whom would you spend it with?
{seven} which is to your liking more :: tea or coffee?
{eight} which of Jane Austen's couples are your more fond of?
{nine} what is one {a few} of your favorite literary quotes?
{ten} are you fond of dancing or singing or reading a good book?
{eleven} and lastly, as this event is also hosted in celebration of my garden's second anniversary, would you mind explaining perhaps, how you stumbled upon my little plot of earth? wink.
{disclaimer not my photograph}
now 'tis my turn to answer...
{one} let us start by your telling a little bit about your own self. tell us a bit of your personality. perhaps, tell a bit of your interests and pastime.
my name is Miss Grace. I am the keeper and tender of this little plot of earth in the blogging world. in real life, I enjoy tending my little garden beside our garage that was established last summer, especially our eleven-year old lavender bush which produces the sweetest-smelling blossoms.
history holds a special place in my heart as I am very fond of studying various time periods of yesteryear and reading {and watching a reproduction of} Jane Austen's works brings the Regency era to life. I also am in love with old-fashion//vintage things and often go antiquing, drinker of tea, reader of historical-fiction novels, writer of words, and lover of letters.
{two} what literary character {whether it be in a film or book} would you say, most describes your personality and mannerisms?
I do find that I am most like Miss Jane Bennett from Pride and Prejudice with a hint of Miss Esther from Bleak House but I am not as good-natured as Miss Bennett {as she sees the good in everything} yet Miss Elizabeth is to strong-headed to be my type.
{three} what would you describe as the most lovely place to live in 1700's England? a cottage surrounded by woods or a mansion perhaps, to the same resemblance as Pemberley in Miss Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
a lovely place like Miss Woodhouse's Hartfield suits me quite nicely, amid perfectly tended gardens and in the country air.
{four} list some of your favorite and least favorite literary works you have read.
The Apothecary's Daughter
Emma {currently reading}
A Heart Most Worthy
The Chronicles of Narnia {Horse and His Boy and Voyage of the Dawn Treader}
The Goose Girl
The Little Princess
{least favorite}
Silas Marner
{five} what would you describe as a most admirable heroine?
the most admirable heroine {in my opinion} is of a tender, gentle spirit like that of a humble servant. she is not what to-day's world portrays a woman figure to be, strong and defiant, but meek and genteel. she is thoughtful and considerant, good-natured, and well-bred. if her accomplishments exceed that of others is only a tiny diamond in her radiant crown compared to her unwavering faith that inspires and encourages all.
her character is above admirable.
{six} if you could spend afternoon tea in the company of your favorite literary heroine, to whom would you spend it with?
I am {even though she can be somewhat haughty} am very fond of Miss Emma Woodhouse as well as Julie Klassen's heroine, Miss Lillian Haswell, in The Apothecary's Daughter. 'Twould be a delightful pleasure to attend tea in their company, if I was honored with the opportunity.
{seven} which is to your liking more :: tea or coffee?
most definitely tea, thank you very much. although coffee's aroma is enticing, tea is a balm that soothes an aching heart and is more of an adventure than "just a cup of tea." {read this post here}. with a teaspoon of vanilla and dash of honey or agave nectar to sweeten for taste and cream to smooth, black tea is my cup o' tea.
{disclaimer not my photograph}
{eight} which of Jane Austen's couples are your more fond of?
most definitely Mr. Knightly and Miss Woodhouse. Mr. Knightly is a man of character I look upon most admirably.
{nine} what is one {a few} of your favorite literary quotes?
I try to avoid looking backward or forward and keep looking upward. ~Charlotte Bronte
There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart. ~ Emma
To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment. ~ Jane Austen
"I'd like to add some beauty to life," said Anne dreamily. "I don't exactly want to make people know more...though I know that is the noblest ambition...but I'd love to make them have a pleasanter time because of have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn't been born.
~L.M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams
{ten} are you fond of dancing or singing or reading a good book?
dancing. if I should have another opportunity to dance, I would quickly accept the invitation without delay. I cannot think of anything so beautiful nor as lovely as to be asked to dance. wink.
well, now, that's simple enough, no? now, 'tis your turn. answer the questions above, and link your post back to mine. oh, and do leave a comment when you link up!
love always,
the keeper of the garden.

Consider this note a hand-written RSVP. *Smiles*
ReplyDeleteI'm so wanting to do this, but I don't know what you mean by linking my post to yours. Do you mean for me to just simply post a link to your blog in my post, and then comment on here when I do?
ReplyDeleteHello, Miss Anya! I am sorry I did not clarify this : all you have to do is copy and paste the questions above and answer them on your OWN blog. After you publish your post, take the DIRECT link and enter it into the link tool below.
DeleteHope this helps, and again I apologize for the mis-communication. ;)
Love always,
Ooh, I would love to enter! I'll post my link back here in a bit, once I have told about myself. :)
I am very excited about this event, dear! I enjoyed reading your answers and answering your questions. :)
Emily Ruth.
I am going to be doing this! I already have my post set up. It will go up on Tuesday morning, if the scheduling works right.
ReplyDeleteI will try to remember to link it here after it's up!
If I don't, at least you know I did it on
Hello Miss Grace!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to leave a comment answering these questions soon, but for now, you are one of those I mentioned in my blog post today. I hope that you will take a couple minutes to read it. :)
This was such a fun post! I really enjoyed writing out my answers.
ReplyDeleteHello! This was very fun to do! I love your blog! I also love History and things of that time period, so it was a fun post to do!
Thank you for hosting this beautiful garden party, Grace! The questions were so much fun and I've enjoyed reading everyone's answers:)
Thank you for hosting this sweet event, Grace! Sorry I didn't comment earlier...:)
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving us such a great opportunity to join your garden party.
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm a new follow of your blog and I love this literary garden party idea of yours! Thanks for hosting it. I'm enjoying your blog :)