that's the real trouble with this world: too many people grow up. // walt disney //it's surreal to wake up on your birthday in a hotel room that has become like a home {after many previous stays} and with people who are
the 25th was my seventeenth birthday. I had my two best friends at each of my sides at the happiest place on earth for the last time round. it was a magical time, as always, brimming with starbucks, sherlock quoting, british/german accents, teasing, loads of laughter, misty mornings, and people who i hold very dear to my heart.

{psst! wanna know a secret? this girl can't hold a pose in front of a camera to save her life. *smiles*}

>> oh, yeah, guys! this is david. pretty much the best disneyland cast member there ever was. ;)

disneyland short stories + hodepodge //
+everyone at disneyland makes you feel so special on your birthday. from cast members working at the turnstiles and shop counters, to waiters who served yummy cupcakes with candles, to starbucks workers writing happy birthday on the cups, and the characters in the parade. it really is the most magical place.
+mum's friend took us all out for breakfast at the storyteller cafe. i tried egg's benedict for the first time, and i think i have fallen in love.
+we were taken off toy story mania when it broke down and got to see behind the scenes of the ride.
+johanna & i bought tiaras, and we felt like princesses.
+we celebrated johanna's unbirthday.
+i halted the buzz lightyear ride for losing my sunglasses. to say the least, now joanna and i are even since she stopped it the year before.
+yes, my two best friends are named "joHanna" and "joAnna." it's confusing, i know.
+we chatted with the NICEST disneyland cast member EVER for about an hour and a half in innoventions. i think we covered every single tv + movie + music subject out there, and were so beyond surprised/blessed to be given a special fast pass on any ride of our choice by him the next day. david, you made our visit so much more amazing! disneyland should definitely give you a raise. ;)
+we had a MARVELous time seeing the iron man exhibit. all the suits are incredible, and jarvis's voice = the best.
+red from disney's cars "sang" happy birthday to us.
+the worker on tower of terror made the whole crowd sing happy birthday.
+i think i got five birthday buttons on this trip {shhhh!}, since i didn't really care for any of the people's handwriting, so finally i had the opportunity to write my own name.
+johanna is the worst driver on autopia. joanna is the worst driver on indiana jones. just so you know. :)
+i'm going to miss disneyland. so very much indeed.
xx from your official seventeen year old disneyland adventurer