Mar 22, 2013

 photo AmazingGrace.jpg
everyone has a song in their life to claim as their own... and ever since I was a little girl, "amazing grace" has rung through my lifetime as being my personal "theme" song {if one can call it that}. in fact, in our small church, teasing glances and the mischievous twinkling of eyes of other attendees is a bit difficult to miss, whenever the worship group sings any song that the word "grace" comes up or that of "amazing grace" in particular; and having grown a bit older, I always feel a bit awkward playing the tune on my violin in front of people {although my daddy tries very hard to force me to do it *wan smile*}. but when you really truly ponders upon one simple word: 
g r a c e. 
what a feeling overcomes you when we think of of God's merciful grace for us! 

I am adopted. adopted by the Lord's grace into a godly family who had so much love to share. adopted by God's grace into the family of Christ.  before she even knew of my existence, mum always knew my name was to be grace. and so it was. by God's grace, I am here. writing this muddle of a post that I have wanted to write for so long a time, but the words and timing never seemed quite right. by God's grace, I am not alone. not a poor, wandering orphan girl still in China, lost and blind - or with a different family in the states likewise just as lost in the depths of darkness.

I suppose, "amazing grace" has been my life-long "theme" because the Lord chose me out of millions of orphans to be taken from a land of darkness, the land of the lost. to be found. to remind me the Lord Almighty always has the most amazing plan. I didn't deserve it, and to be honest sometimes I stare into a void of disbelief as I am simply a nobody. nobody special or extraordinary. simply an ordinary sixteen year old girl who drops almost everything that her hands can manage to grasp or laughs at the most awkward of times. to this day, I struggle to understand how He could choose me out of millions who don't have the opportunity to feel any love - who are still lacking the acknowledgment of the overwhelming love of our Father to be so blessed as to stand where I am to-day. but I am here. by God's grace. for such a time as this I am here. and so overwhelmed with awe and gratefulness. 

God's grace is infinite. it is extended to every single human being in this world who will accept it. it is found in the life-changing and the minute happenstances in life, so do what way has the Lord revealed His grace to you in your own life? 


The Girl in the Garden


  1. This is so wonderful, Grace - and I'm SO glad you're here. The blogging world would seem emptier without you!

    God is good!

    xx Acacia

  2. I don't know you Grace... but this is so beautiful... thank you for sharing. and thank you Jesus!

  3. Amazing Grace, amazing!


    I love you so so much and love your photography and words. I am so utterly glad that God has you here: a breathing, wonderful, beautiful, smart girl to bless so many lives.

    And really, Grace, you are amazing.
    I love you,

  4. God's grace is beautiful. And so is the work He's doing in you. ;)

    The other day I was thinking how thankful I should be that I'm not only saved, but I'm saved by His grace at an early age - and I get to experience the beauty of Jesus so much more than if I had become a Christian when I was older, or worse, not become one at all. It's astonishing how He would choose ME. And His grace is enough.

  5. this is so lovely, Grace. :) Amazing Grace has always been one of my favorite songs. it's so... amazing. ;) hehe. but really. your words are so beautiful, and every single words breathes truth and beauty. God is so good. His grace is never ending and it's new every morning! He is so faithful.

    thank you for sharing your thoughts, dear heart. this encouraged me so much today. :)


  6. Oh, Grace dear. You have me tearing up. Wow, just wow. This is such a beautiful comparison. And I believe I know exactly why you were chosen out of millions. Because before you were born God knew who you would be, what you would do and exactly where you needed to be and created you for a purpose only you could fulfill. Isn't it a splendid thought? Oh, how very good He is to us. Grace truly is amazing.

    Hugs to you, my awesome (and amazing) anglophile.

    p.s. Would you mind if I shared this post with a friend of mine who has adopted one darling little girl from China and is getting ready to go bring her little boy home? I think it would be such an encouragement to her.

    1. Aw, you're such a dearheart! Yes, yes! Please do share! I hope it will be an encouragement to her! ;) Much love, my sweet anglophile. xoxo
