Oct 5, 2011

Autumn Delights :: Far-Away Friends

Autumn is such a beautiful time of year, and one of our very favorite ways to spend our afternoons during this lovely season is in the company of dear friends.

There are so many ways in which we can spend quality time together :: taking nature walks in the midst of brightly colored maple, and oak trees -- sketching out the beauty of it all to keep for a lifetime -- packing picnics and enjoying the breeze on a crisp autumn afternoon -- baking pies, breads, casseroles and other autumn delights in the heart of your home -- sipping a cup of hot cider together, which has been brewing all day, during the evenings -- coming together, bringing out your autumn crafting supplies, and creating harvest crafts together -- enjoying an autumn tea -- the list goes on. The possibilities are boundless!

But what about those dear, far-away friends? We find it so sad that the above activities can not be shared with them, as they are such a large part of our lives, and hold such an important place in our hearts. Indeed, Grace and I are the very dearest friends -- yet miles of countryside come between us. How may we share the beauty, life and joy of autumn with friends that are so very dear with us, yet, who live so very far away?

Well, we believe there are many lovely ways to 'send' them a little bit of your autumn. We find sending a little package in the mail, along with a sweet letter is a perfect way to show your friends how thankful you are for them this autumn, is the perfect way to share this special season with your very dearest friends. 

First, write them a lengthy letter. Handwritten are the best :: they posses such a lovely charm, which only handwritten letters hold. Use some lovely autumn stationary, and your best penmanship. Just before sealing the envelope, sprinkle some lavender inside, and seal it with a deep red wax seal. What a perfectly old-fashioned autumn greeting this always turns out to be!

Then, it would be so nice to pack them a small package with homemade goodies inside. We always love to receive packages from far-away friends, especially when the contents are handmade by the sender. Here are a few lovely ideas which we have found --

These are always perfect little gifts, that will last quite a long time. They also will create a lovely aroma inside the entire little package.

What a perfect autumn delight? Especially for those far away friends who have a love for sewing.

These little boxes would be so perfect to conceal some small little goodies that you are sending along -- and are a gift in themselves, for I know that I would find uses of my own if we received such lovely little boxes as these in a package addressed to me.

What a lovely gift these tiny little candles would made, to pack inside your small package. Small, delicate, creative and, of course, a beautiful aroma! *sigh*

What a perfectly lovely gift to send off to your dearest friend, just before the cold sets in. Fingerless gloves are the perfect gift, especially for those hopelessly-old-fashioned friends! *smile*

There are so many other wonderful tutorials out there for you to follow, in order to make up a special package for your dear, far-away friends! Now is the perfect time to start creating! Once you have you goodies made, wrap them in some lovely brown paper, and tie them with hemp cord. Place them in the package, along with your handwritten letter. You could also send a bundle of your favorite recipes along as well, or perhaps some tutorials, or patterns. Sprinkle some dried rose, or lavender inside you box, seal it, and send it off!

Your friend will have such a lovely surprise waiting on her doorstep withing a few days!

So now, we welcome you -- our sweet friends -- into our crafting room, where we shall package up many small autumn delights, and send them off to those friends who, although they live so very far away, are so very close to our hearts. 

Your Package :: Please create a post on your blog that is attributed to your far-away friends. You can share :: ideas on how to share the joy of autumn with far-away friends, tutorials, photos, quotes, poems, et cetra -- or simply share with us some memories you have made in that past with some of your far-away friends. Once you have created your post, link it up below. You will be able to create 'your friendship package' up until October 23 {after which this linky will be closed}-- we can't wait to come and visit!


  1. I love the pumpkin pincushion! ;)

  2. Just one quick question Miss Johanna, does it have to be my own tutorial, or can I go online and find some autumn lovelys and just share them?
    I will be linking up sometime, prob. not this week but sometime. ♥

  3. ~Marcia,

    You are welcome to do both, however, I don't expect you to do a tutorial of our own, as that requires quite a bit of time! We are just trying to gather up an abundance of fun tutorials.


  4. Sounds very lovely Johanna and Grace! I love autumn myself, and always look forward to cozy days-when I am at home and not at school of course. ;)
    In Christ,

  5. Those are some great ideas! I will try to post something soon. :)

  6. Your ideas are very similar to packages I send to friends for their birthdays! :D

  7. yay, I finally got this done. And I link-up. :)
